Home   Dr M weekend plant mini-quiz   Dr M’s weekend mini-quiz #4: eXtreme botany boots!

Dr M’s weekend mini-quiz #4: eXtreme botany boots!

One of the mysteries of plant ecology is exactly how plants disperse and colonise new areas of land.

Now, thanks to Dr M, we can consider this puzzle solved, it’s obvious, they hitch a ride on Dr M’s fieldwork boots!

Dr M is particularly fond of seeds, such beautiful, extraordinary and powerful botanical objects.

Dr M has posted about seeds before (e.g. here) but it is high time for another seminal session!

Fortunately, seeds seem also to be particularly fond of Dr M, and especially fond of his fieldwork boots!

The other day, while undertaking a botanical survey on an especially scrubby plot of brownfield  land, Dr M emerged from dense thorn scrub and, glancing down at the ground, was surprised and intrigued by a shed-load of seeds stuck to his boots!

So, Dr M pondered, exactly how many different seeds were there?

Then it occurred to Dr M, this eXtreme botanical challenge is ideal for the weekend mini-quiz, and also a great way to introduce the wonder of seeds to drmgoeswild!

So, it will come as no surprise that this weekend’s mini-quiz asks: “how many plant families are hitch-hiking on Dr M’s lovely fieldwork boots?”

And, upping the botanical eXtremities even more, “can you ID the genera and even species that are there as well?!”

Dr M’s boots are eXtreme botany boots for sure, but take the seed challenge have a go, and as usual, more information and answers to follow over the weekend!





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