Home   Dr M's European Tour   eXtreme botany on tour – follow the movements of 8 barmy botanists in the Baltic States soon!

eXtreme botany on tour – follow the movements of 8 barmy botanists in the Baltic States soon!

2014 marks the first anniversary of eXtreme botany and Dr M is celebrating by embarking on a European tour from the Czech Republic, through Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and from thence across the water to Finland!

The first posts already published have seen 8 barmy botanists in a bus (and a driver) travelling from Czech Republic through Poland.

Dr M knows you are waiting for the next installments with bated breath but these have been delayed due to conference and holidays!

But the updates are coming, never fear!

The featured image at the top of this post shows some of the more eXtreme activities prohibited in the Baltic States.

But the next posts will reveal more of the eXtreme activities that 8 barmy botanists in a bus (and a driver) got up to as they traversed the Baltic coasts of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are coming soon so watch this eXtreme botanical space!


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