Home   eXtreme botany   Veg ID – opp or alt lvs on rosette plants – the answers!

Veg ID – opp or alt lvs on rosette plants – the answers!

OK if you have read the post here and tested yourself, here are the answers:

These all have opposite leaves:

2 = Epilobium sp. (A Willowherb,  probably E.tetragonum will have to check!).
3 = Cerastium glomeratum (Sticky Mouse-ear) this is also in the featured image above.
4 = Sagina procumbens (Procumbent Pearlwort).

And these have alternate leaves:

1 = Erophila verna (Spring Whitlow-grass).
5 = Bellis perennis (Daisy).
6 = Taraxacum officinale (agg) (Dandelion).
7 = Cardamine hirsuta (Hairy Bittercress).

This last one is neither (sorry!)

The leaves LOOK alternate but they are in 2 ranks, a leaf arrangement which we call distichous, and it’s a grass Poa annua (Annual Meadow-grass).

So go on, make friends with the veg key,OK so it takes a bit of getting used to but it’s one of the best tools to hone your eXtreme botanical prowess that we have in Britain!


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