Home   eXtreme botany   Dr M takes bryological floristry into the Dragon’s Den!

Dr M takes bryological floristry into the Dragon’s Den!

Dr M is developing a new botanical business concept – eXtreme bryology meets artistic floristry and the result is Bryo-Logical Floristry!

Dr M is talking floristry with an eXtreme botanical and bryological USP: plenty of florists feature Mosses here and there as green background and in-fill to more conventional flowers such as Roses and Camellias. But, as far as Dr M has been able to find, no florist has been bold enough, or eXtreme enough, to go the whole hog and feature Mosses and related plants as the central botanical star of the Christmas table floral centerpiece or wedding bouquet.

This is where Dr M steps in to launch botanical beauty of the Bryological variety.  And there are plenty of Beautiful Bryophytes, Marvellous Mosses and Lavish Liverworts to explore!

For example, the featured image shows Polytrichum (Common Hair Cap) and Sphagnum (Bog Moss – perhaps not the most marketable name for a plant 😉 but several beautiful species with contrasting colours shown here!) making a winning contribution to Dr M’s first, pioneering, hand crafted, bryological bouquet!

This is a brand new concept hot from the press, and while Dr M looks for suitable models to display his eXtreme Bryological floristical inspiration, he himself stepped in with a colleague, who wishes to remain anonymous, to demonstrate just how fetching and alluring Bryophytes can be for that special occasion – for sure, you wont find them on the High Street!


Bryo-Logical note: Of course this is very early days for this concept and Dr M is not planning to harvest mosses from the wild, that would be neither Bryo-Logical nor sustainable, instead Dr M has a cunning plan to work with Sphagnum expert Charlie Campbell on suitable techniques for Sphagno-cultivation!

Sphagno-Cultivation crop

Cutting edge Sphagno-cultivation in Sweden (image courtesy Charlie Campbell)


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