Home   Grasses   Common British Plants: the top 30 vascular plant species – Poaceae

Common British Plants: the top 30 vascular plant species – Poaceae

Which are the commonest plant species in Britain?

Recently Dr M has investigated the 30 most common British plant species based on data in the New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora and the Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. The top 30 include species from 10 plant families including nine of the top twenty plant families.

The 30 commonest species includes eight species from the Poaceae listed below together with a gallery of these species, currently incomplete but grasses are notoriously tricky to photograph effectively and Dr M will add to this gallery as soon as possible.

The 8 Poaceae included amongst the 30 commonest vascular plant species in Britain

Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire-fog)
Poa annua (Annual Meadow-grass)
Anthoxanthum odoratum (Sweet Vernal-grass)
Agrostis stolonifera (Creeping Bent)
Festuca rubra (Red  Fescue)
Cynosurus cristatus (Crested Dog’s-tail)
Agrostis capillaris (Common Bent)
Lolium perenne (Perennial  Rye-grass)

Dr M will complete the top 30 by posting the remaining 22 species from nine families very soon.