It’s no secret that Dr M is raving potty about Poaceae so imagine his delight when he saw the new and wonderful @Wildflowerhour also getting into the Poaceous groove with their #grasschallenge!
This time of year (June) is truly wondrous for Poaceae (but not hay fever sufferers!) as the vegetative shoots spring into action and come alive with flowering inflorescences bearing those strange yet magical spikelets, there is a freshness and a magic to this Poaceous time for sure!
And it’s a great season to start to learn common grasses, because it’s much easier when there are not just leaves and ligules (the veg key staples!) but also flowers and spikelets and inflorescences too!
So, in the spirit if all that is Poaceous, Dr M to issues forth his Spring grass quiz, a dozen common grasses, all of which Dr M found in the meadows in the Harris Garden of the University of Reading recently, but which can be found in most any meadow, pasture or lawn – check the longer grass at the edges or in the wild flower areas – and if you don’t have these why not leave an area free from the mower for a few weeks and see what springs up?!
Dr M says: Have a look and see how many you can identify and head over here for the answers and some hints for grass ID – you know it make Poaceous sense!
Dr M adds: In the spirit of 30 days wild why not get your kids or other young people to have a go too, and why not get them to invent some new names for these grasses, give them a hand lens and show them some grass flowers and they will be hooked (Dr M guarantees!).
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Dr M says: New to Grass ID? Check here for the new photo guide to grasses, sedges and rushes for beginners by Dom Price at the Species Recovery Trust.
And check out Dr M’s own Poaceae pages “Tribes without tribulation” here!