Did you have a go at Dr M’s Botany quiz from the botanical hotspot that is the Lizard in Cornwall? If not try it out here and come back to check the answers below.
Below are the images of the seventy species with the Latin names, check the table below that for Families and vernacular names:
# | Family | Latin and Common Name |
1. | Apiaceae | Crithmum maritimum (Rock Samphire) |
2. | Brassicaceae | Cochlearia officinalis (Common Scurvygrass) |
3. | Aspleniaceae | Asplenium marinum (Sea Spleenwort) |
4. | Plumbaginaceae | Armeria maritima (Thrift) |
5. | Amaranthaceae | Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima (Sea Beet) |
6. | Caryophyllaceae | Silene uniflora (Sea Campion) |
7. | Caryophyllaceae | Herniaria ciliolata (Fringed Rupturewort) |
8. | Poaceae | Bromus hordeaceus ssp. ferronii (Soft-brome) |
9. | Plantaginaceae | Plantago coronopus (Buck’s-horn Plantain) |
10. | Asparagaceae | Scilla verna (Spring Squill) |
11. | Plantaginaceae | Plantago maritima (Sea Plantain) |
12. | Caryophyllaceae | Spergularia rupicola (Rock Sea-spurrey) |
13. | Amaryllidaceae | Allium schoenoprasum (Chives) |
14. | Fabaceae | Genista pilosa (Hairy Greenweed) |
15. | Apiaceae | Daucus carota ssp. gummifer (Sea Carrot) |
16. | Poaceae | Festuca ovina (Sheep’s-fescue) |
17. | Isoetaceae | Isoetes histrix (Land Quillwort) |
18. | Caryophyllaceae | Minuartia verna (Spring Sandwort) |
19. | Malvaceae | Malva arborea (Tree-mallow) |
20. | Cyperaceae | Carex arenaria (Sand Sedge) |
21. | Juncaceae | Juncus capitatus (Dwarf Rush) |
22. | Fabaceae | Lotus subbiflorus (Hairy Bird’s-foot-trefoil) |
23. | Asteraceae | Leucanthemum vulgare (Oxeye Daisy) |
24. | Campanulaceae | Jasione montana (Sheep’s-bit) |
25. | Linaceae | Radiola linoides (Allseed) |
26. | Fabaceae | Ulex europaeus (Gorse) |
27. | Fabaceae | Trifolium scabrum (Rough Clover) |
28. | Asteraceae | Senecio vulgaris (Groundsel) Rayed form. |
29. | Rosaceae | Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) |
30. | Fabaceae | Trifolium incarnatum ssp. molinerii (Long-headed Clover) |
31. | Geraniaceae | Geranium sanguineum (Bloody Crane’s-bill) |
32. | Fabaceae | Genista anglica (Petty Whin) |
33. | Cyperaceae | Schoenus nigricans (Black Bog-rush) |
34. | Fabaceae | Trifolium ornithopodioides (Bird’s-foot Clover) |
35. | Rosaceae | Rosa spinosissima (Burnet Rose) |
36. | Orobanchaceae | Orobanche sp. (Broomrape sp.) |
37. | Asteraceae | Hypochaeris maculata (Spotted Cat’s-ear) |
38. | Fabaceae | Trifolium subterraneum (Subterranean Clover) |
39. | Geraniaceae | Erodium moschatum (Musk Stork’s-bill) |
40. | Fabaceae | Anthyllis vulneraria (Kidney Vetch) |
41. | Fabaceae | Genista tinctoria (Dyer’s Greenweed) |
42. | Fabaceae | Trifolium occidentale (Western Clover) |
43. | Orchidaceae | Anacamptis morio (Green-winged Orchid) |
44. | Amaryllidaceae | Allium triquetrum (Three-cornered Garlic) |
45. | Fabaceae | Vicia lutea (Yellow-vetch) |
46. | Amaryllidaceae | Allium ampeloprasum ssp. babingtonii (Babbington’s Leek) |
47. | Orobanchaceae | Pedicularis sylvatica (Lousewort) |
48. | Fabaceae | Medicago arabica (Spotted Medick) |
49. | Cyperaceae | Carex caryophyllea (Spring Sedge) |
50. | Papaveraceae | Fumaria cf. occidentalis (Western Ramping-fumitory) |
51. | Cyperaceae | Cladium mariscus (Great Fen-sedge) |
52. | Lamiaceae | Salvia verbenaca (Wild Clary) |
53. | Fabaceae | Trifolium dubium (Lesser Trefoil) |
54. | Rosaceae | Potentilla anserina (Silverweed) |
55. | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus sardous (Hairy Buttercup) |
56. | Asparagaceae | Ruscus aculeatus (Butcher’s-broom) |
57. | Cyperaceae | Carex paniculata (Greater Tussock-sedge) |
58. | Aspleniaceae | Asplenium adiantum-nigrum (Black Spleenwort) |
59. | Araceae | Arum maculatum (Lords-and-Ladies) |
60. | Aspleniaceae | Asplenium obovatum (Lanceolate Spleenwort) |
61. | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus tripartitus (Three-lobed Crowfoot) |
62. | Crassulaceaea | Umbilicus rupestris (Navelwort) |
63. | Cyperaceae | Eleocharis palustris (Common Spike-rush) |
64. | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus hederaceus (Ivy-leaved Crowfoot) |
65. | Brassicaceae | Nasturtium officinale (Water-cress) |
66. | Cyperaceae | Isolepis setacea (Bristle Club-rush) |
67. | Caryophyllaceae | Silene flos-cuculi (Ragged-Robin) |
68. | Potomogetonaceae | Potamogeton cf. polygonifolius (Bog Pondweed) |
69. | Polypodiaceae | Polypodium interjectum (Intermediate Polypody) |
70. | Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus parviflorus (Small-flowered Buttercup) |